Welcome to the Meaning of Life is Love Blog

This blog aims to develop into a thought provoking and inspirational challenge to thinking people of the 21st century.

Never before in history has the challenge to find meaning in people's lives been as great!

Friday, February 2, 2018

'Meaning of Life is Love' book by Bryan Foster - released later in 2018

Bryan Foster is currently writing his new book titled, 'Meaning of Life is Love'. This has been developing since 2009 and is finally being written in a concise format. Much soul-searching and reflection have been occurring over so many years.

Bryan will be exploring love on its various levels, from the superficial, yet everyday usage of 'I love icecream' through to the divine, where we explore that God is love, hence the Meaning of life is ultimately God!

There has been a collection of blogs and articles written by the author over this time. This shows the development and depth of meaning of this ultimate concept, and how it is central to life's foundation.

Bryan Foster has just released his latest website, which will track the further development of this text and others over this year. Both this new website, BryanFosterAuthor, and the already popular 1God.world website and the Facebook page can be explored for regular updates on this and other books and articles written this year on love, God and similar topics.

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